About Family
& Mother
& Sister
& Grand Mother
& Anty
In my thoughts may be these called family
where these members live together it does not mind some people does not have
Grand Parents or Uncle and anty its does not matter but Father ,Mother
and brother/sister many people have. Some people does not have family . I think
family is most part of our life in our family we learn many things which is
good or bad in our life. Family like a hand which is connected with all fingers
it does not mind how is smaller or longer . They always connected with hand for
everything in bad situation or good time. Like if a finger cut sometimes than rest all finger
and hand feels pain and invoke to that
.I do not know what you are thing about your family but I know well about me
and I want to do something best for them by which they feel proud on me. Do not
think so that you live without your family or family live without you pain will
be feel both side so why do you want
feel pain. Just love it and be a family
member who’s always thing about that . That is called family.
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